Aged 18 + ЕU / EEA and countries outside ЕU / EEA
No minimum length of stay
€ 150,000 investment
No minimum tax
€ 650,000 contribution
Application fees
Health insurance + good health
Lease or purchase is required
The Maltese Individual Investor Program offers citizenship to foreign individuals and families capable of contributing to Malta’s economic development. This program is designed to attract to Malta persons, who can share their talents, experience and business connections. It is the first citizenship program in the European Union approved by the European Commission.
Applicants must be represented by an Accredited Person, who is concurrently a licensed, authorized and registered Maltese mandatory. Mr. Vitaly Arkhangelskiy, Cofrance SARL Director, is an authorized accredited agent.
Why Malta?
The main purposes of acquiring Maltese citizenship (Maltese passports) and the advantages obtained thereby differ depending on personal preferences and may include:
– Visa-free travel to over 160 countries of the world, including the EU (Schengen area);
– Possible tax planning incentives;
– Dependence on several passports;
– Personal safety;
– Search for a stable political system;
– High living standards;
– Best education for children.
Who can apply?
Applicants must submit documents to prove their identity, origin, and respectability, as well as the main applicant’s financial standing and source of wealth. The following principal requirements must also be met:
– The main applicant may not be younger than 18;
– The applicant and any dependents must be of good health and have a global health insurance policy.
A contribution of €650,000 into Malta’s economy, of which €10,000 is payable as a non-refundable deposit at the time of submitting the application and the remainder is due upon approval of the application, plus additionally
– €25,000 for the spouse and each dependent aged under 18; and
– Private ownership in Malta during at least five years either by purchasing property with a value of at least €350,000 or by lease of property with a minimum annual lease rate of €16,000.
– Such property may not be subleased out during this five-year period;
Авиаперелеты на спортивные события
– The applicant must meet portfolio investment commitments and invest €150,000 in government-approved financial instruments to be kept for at least five years and be identified by Identity Malta.
– Applicants must have global health insurance worth at least €50,000 for the main applicant and each dependent and must submit a proof that they can maintain it for an indefinite period of time.
– Main applicant – €650,000
– Spouse – €25,000
– Each dependent child (aged 0–17) – €25,000
– Each dependent child (aged 18–26) – €50,000
– Each dependent aged 55 onwards – €50,000
Due Diligence fees
– Main applicant – €7,500
– Spouse – €5,000
– Each dependent child (aged 13–17) – €3,000
– Each dependent child (aged 18–26) – €5,000
– Each dependent aged 55 onwards – €5,000
Passport fee
– per application – € 500
Bank charges
– per application – € 200
Applications must be accompanied by documents that confirm identity and facilitate verification procedures. These documents must be certified in English. Also required:
– Statement of no criminal record;
– Proof of the main applicant’s residence in Malta during twelve months prior to naturalization;
– Health certificates confirming that the applicant and his dependents do not suffer from infectious diseases and are in good health;
– Written statement of support to each dependent aged over eighteen.
Citizenship is granted twelve months after a “true connection” with Malta comes into effect. Candidates must undertake a commitment of minimum physical presence in Malta pending conferment of citizenship. Those having resided for a year prior to adoption of the MIIP satisfy this requirement.
Cofrance SARL provides a full range of services to individuals and their families. The company enjoys strategic partnership contacts and can offer integrated services covering areas of key interest for its customers, including international tax planning, international property planning, continuity planning and business planning.
Cofrance SARL in Malta
Phone: +35620341636
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is intended as general information for users. Any information provided hereby may not be used in lieu of any accounting, legal, tax or other professional consultations or services, and we may not be held liable for any damage suffered by any person due to any action or inaction.