Cofrance SARL is an international and independent organization with offices in different countries. It provides multidisciplinary services to both legal entities, individuals and their families. Cofrance SARL has been operating since 2006. Over the entire period, we have earned the trust of our customers.
The wide range of services we provide includes tax and property planning, accounting and reporting, risk management, management and administration of real estate and yachts, as well as immigration, professional services, company management and much more.
The staff of Cofrance SARL includes highly qualified professionals: lawyers, accountants, tax advisors, notaries, technical experts and security professionals.
Briefly about Cofrance SARL
Cofrance SARL is a licensed company in Malta. It aims to provide a range of services, starting with the creation of companies, settlement issues, rent, sales and registration of real estate, yachts, aircraft and much more, for customers from all over the world, including citizens of the CIS, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc. Given the rapidly changing international rules and regulations, as well as their significant impact on local laws, our clients require a competent approach to relocation to a new place, management and storage of assets. We can provide you with professional assistance at every stage, necessary to achieve your goals.
Our goal is to provide highly personalized and professional services to our customers. We strive for long-term relationships, offer turn-key services to those, who decide to move here and do business in Malta. We also provide advice on local and international taxation and real estate planning for international corporations, institutional investors, as well as individuals and their families.
Why choosing Malta?
Malta is in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, between Europe and North Africa. Tourism and financial services are the main components the state economy is based on. Malta’s economic growth is mainly due to the excellent regulation of banking and financial services.
Некоторые общие факты о Мальте:
- Strategic geographical location and a hub;
- The closest distance to major European countries and North Africa;
- Political and economic stability, resilient to financial turmoil and economic downturn;
- English and Maltese are the main spoken languages. Although many Maltese are fluent in Italian, the growth of French, German and Scandinavian languages is being observed due to the influx of foreign workers;
- ICT – high-speed Internet access;
- One of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU.
Benefits of Malta
Malta offers a few business benefits:
– The country is an EU member state;
– Malta is a member state of the Commonwealth (Great Britain) and the Schengen zone;
– Flexible, competitive tax regime with very low tax rates;
– No withholding tax on payment of dividends, interest and royalties;
– A large network of double tax agreements (DTA);
– Highly skilled manpower and qualified specialists;
Авиаперелеты на спортивные события
– Low operating costs;
– Investment Incentives.
Our services
Services of Cofrance SARL include:
– business counselling;
– company establishment, including the provision of a legal address;
– advice on the activities of companies in Malta or outside it;
– rental, sale and registration of yachts;
– aircraft rental and sale;
– rental and sale of real estate:
– tax planning;
– tax compliance services, including the preparation and submission of VAT reports and tax returns;
– accounting services.
Contact us
Office of Cofrance SARL in Malta:
Phone: +35620341636